Pastor Ball and his wife, Barbara, come to Everett, part of the Altoona District, from the Mt. Blue District in central Maine.
The Balls were married in 1992. In 2006, they sold their house and left their jobs to move to Rapidan, Virginia, so Donald could attend school at Hartland Institute.
Donald worked as dean of men, and Barbara was employed as a sales and subscription manager for the Last Generation magazine. Donald earned his bachelor’s degree in pastoral and evangelism in 2010 and began employment as a Bible worker while also teaching a class at the college and traveling on speaking engagements to Africa, China, Hawaii, California and other states. In 2012, the Balls received a call to work with Northern New England Conference Evangelist Rick Kuntz. Donald served as director of the ARK, a facility used as a center of influence in Lewiston, Maine, and helped conduct Revelation seminars with Kuntz. In 2015, the Balls accepted a call to a four-church district in northern and central Maine, where Donald completed his master’s degree in pastoral ministry at Andrews University. The couple took a trip to Israel in December 2017 at which time Donald was ordained in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Pastor Ball said he and his wife are “thrilled to be here (at the Everett church) to continue spreading the 3 Angels messages for all who are interested. We are excited to be here and looking forward to making many friends, conducting Bible studies, holding training sessions, and teaching people how to have a personal relationship with Jesus.”